Did you know that just 6%1 of self-employed people have income protection? This cover is designed to pay out a monthly sum (based on your annual income) to help you with your financial commitments if you are off work long term due to illness or injury. For...
There are a lot of things to thing about when renovating or extending your home. With a million things to do, it is easy to forget something important – like insurance. Major renovation work can require temporary specialist insurance cover because of the increased...
The majority of UK lenders have signed a government charter to support borrowers. The charter includes allowing borrowers to contact their lender for help without impacting their credit file and enabling borrowers whose payments are up to date to switch when their...
Everybody knows that life has a funny way of turning out differently to how we expect it to. When faced with the unpredictable twists and turns of fate, it is comforting to have the support of the right protection policy for your needs. Rising bills reinforce need for...