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Will Writing

All too often people neglect making a will as they don’t understand the importance of having one, or don’t know which firm to speak to for straightforward affordable advice.

Did you Know:

  •  If you die without a valid will, your loved ones will have no say in what happens to your estate. Instead, the ‘Rules of Intestacy’ will divide your estate in a pre-determined way and this may not be to people who you wished to benefit. It also may not be carried out in the most tax-efficient way.
  • If you live with someone, even if you are married, or are in a civil partnership or have step-children, they may not automatically inherit your estate.
  • If you are single (ie. not married or you do not have a civil partner), under the laws of intestacy (dying without a will) your partner will not receive anything from your estate.
  • Over 70% of the population have not got a valid will.
  • Millions of pounds of inheritance tax are unnecessarily paid each year due to a lack of planning which can be dealt with in the will of the deceased.

Here at AscentiaUK we can help you to obtain an accurate will and LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) quote, tailored to your individual circumstances and at a very competitive price.

Once we have obtained some very basic details we are able to immediately compare the services of more than 50 solicitor firms, and select the most suitable quotes based on various factors such as price, distance or service.

When you are happy to proceed, you can sit back and let us do the rest – we can instruct the solicitor firm immediately on your behalf. It really is that simple!

Wills are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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