0800 612 3533 | 0203 507 0370 enquiries@ascentiauk.co.uk



As part of your financial planning, it is essential to obtain protection to help safeguard your home and family, and your income.

Did you know:

  • There were 529,655 deaths registered in England and Wales in 2015*
  • 1,775 people were killed in reported road traffic accidents in Great Britain in 2014**
  • Cardiovascular (heart and circulatory) disease causes more than a quarter (27%) of all deaths in the UK, or around 155,000 deaths each year – an average of 425 people each day or one every three minutes***
  • Most deaths from coronary heart disease are caused by a heart attack. There are 188,000 hospital episodes attributed to heart attack in the UK each year: that’s one around every three minutes***
  • Around 7 out of 10 people survive a heart attack*** Many of these are unable to return to work
  • Cancer accounted for 28% of all deaths registered in 2015. It remained the most common broad cause of death for both men and women (31% of all male deaths and 25% of all female deaths registered in 2015. Circulatory diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, accounted for just over a quarter (26%) of all deaths registered in 2015*
  • The cost of raising a child (born in 2016) from birth to the age of 21 is £231,843 (more expensive than the average house)****
  • The average annual cost of raising a child now takes up more than a third (38%) of the average UK household’s net income****
  • Half (49%) of parents don’t have a plan in place if the main breadwinner were to lose their income due to accident or illness****
  • * Source: Office for National Statistics

    ** Source: GOV.UK

    *** Source: British Heart Foundation

    **** Source: Liverpool Victoria

    On our website we have outlined some protection plans available to you. You can also download more specific details, by clicking on the relevant information sheet (PDF).

    Whilst we have provided some useful information for you to get a broad picture of what is available, if you would like more information on which type of policy might be best suited to you we recommend that you speak to us.

    As protection specialists, we can help you find and choose the best protection policy. There are many types available, and we are well-placed to assist you in picking the best plan that provides the optimum cover and the right kind of protection for you.

    As with all insurance policies conditions and exclusions will apply